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2017-08-07 BOS Reg. Mtg.Min
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – Aug. 7, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Board of Selectmen – regular meeting

Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan plus TA Nina Nazarian.

7:30 PM   The chairman opened BOS meeting in Town Hall Annex. A crowd attended most likely owing to first agenda item regarding stop signs on Merriam Road.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes of July 20 including executive session (but not for release) and of Aug. 2 with minor edits. Richy  questioned the top placement on the agenda of  two items (Merriam Road Stop Signs/Request to Overturn Decision  and  Schedule Krashes Tour – Discuss Dates)  when other items had more priority. After some discussion of reasoning behind the timing of agenda items, Edith  and Jon  voted to approve the agenda, with Richy abstaining.
Richy B requested input into future final agendas. Nina agreed to forward the draft agenda to all selectmen 24 hours before it must get posted, as she is already doing this for the chairman. Richy B. suggests the agenda for regular BOS meetings follow a format of: 1st—approve minutes; 2nd—address Old Business; 3rd—consider New Business There was agreement to follow this format while allowing the Chair flexibility as necessary.
        Jon F. pointed out that overturning the stop sign decision was not likely. Ed Carlson was in to explain his request to discuss the stop signs. He insisted that stop signs were a bad solution as Merriam is a commuter road, and that traffic has increased on all town roads. He further wanted to have a say in policy decisions. Mr. Carlson indicated that he wasn’t going to address the stop sign decision. Instead he used his time to address his perceptions about how those in attendance view him.  After speaking, he left the meeting.
        It was noted that the stop sign issue was extensively addressed at four, public BOS meetings which had all been legally posted, and there was also a lengthy process of meetings among the police chief, highway supt. and town administrator.

7:50 PM  Selectmen heard an update on the cable TV franchise by Jon. An agreement has been in Charter’s possession for about 10 days. A subsequent license should be signed within 30 days. Jon  and Nina are meeting with Charter staff at their offices on Thursday August 10.        Edie updated the Selectmen on the work of the Facilities Steering Committee.  It has met twice and will meet every Tuesday until their report is complete.  She anticipates a draft in January and final report in February. Over 30 architectural/design firms have responded to the committee’s RFQ. The committee intends to solicit input from residents about space needs for community events/functions.

8 PM  Selectmen went over articles proposed for STM.  The main one asks to allow the town to take by eminent domain certain strips of land along the road edge of Route 140 for the upcoming road upgrade project. A possible 2nd article would request spending $600,000 on a new multi-use tanker truck for the Fire Dept.

8:10 PM  John Mirick came in to discuss allowing remote commercial and directional signs as a general bylaw, as they would be installed along the town-owned right-of-way. The Planning Board proposes uniform highway signs similar to those in northern New England that direct travelers to attractions and businesses situated off side roads. Town bylaws currently address signage on town-owned property. John M. noted that could stay unchanged, or all sign regulation could be consolidated into a single section of the zoning bylaws. The BOS would still be the issuing authority (on town-owned land) and have discretion over installation, but the PB would supply design standards.
Jon F. welcomed the PB taking over all signage issues. Selectmen voted all in favor to have the PB make recommendations on issues of signage.

8:25 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to transition the positions of accountant and treasurer-collector into salaried positions. This ratified the vote already taken in a previous executive session.
        Selectmen reviewed a list of election officers up for re-appointment. They voted all in favor to approve the list as submitted.
        The solicitation for members to serve on the new Environmental Action Committee resulted in 10 applicants. The BOS had chosen seven members but only one of them has been sworn in; so the group has yet to meet. There was some discussion about PMLD providing a liaison—non-voting attendee—to help communications between the E.A.D. and PMLD. Some felt that any town committee or board would be relevant to the mission of the E.A.C. and could qualify for a liaison. Selectmen agreed to let the new committee decide on the liaison issue.
        Selectmen then voted all in favor to set a one-year term, through June 30, 2018, as a start point for all members of the E.A.C.
        The board also agreed to pass over discussion on mothballing the Princeton Center.  They also put off to their next meeting discussion on the A.C. Review Committee.
8:55 PM  Nina N. supplied her T.A. report. Bids will be going out soon for re-paving Hubbardston Road from the center to Calamint Hill Road.
Regarding the removal of the fence at 194 Worcester Road, the Town is prepared to complete the work agreed upon. However owner Bruce Jacobson has had difficulty securing a contractor to complete the fence removal and other work (curbing, plantings, etc.).
For the Council On Aging to occupy space at Post Office Place, Nina has been working on a lease agreement with town counsel. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to enter into a contract for leasing space at P.O. Place for the COA.

9 PM  The town has received 22 applications for the position of assistant to the treasurer-collector and interviewing is underway.
Nina has been working with the library director, trustees and Phil Connors about roof repair at the library. The work is anticipated to be completed in the spring. Group discussed other options to prevent ice-damming. Removing snow manually may be best interim solution.
        Edith reported that John Bomba is willing to host the BOS Goal-Setting session at 4 PM on Sept. 13 or 14.  Selectmen favor Sept. 14.

9:10 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Articles proposed for STM; Town bylaws currently addressing signage; FY’18 list of election officers.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department